Anika Goss
President and CEO of Detroit Future City
President and CEO of Detroit Future City
Chairman and CEO of Black Male Educators Alliance
Executive Director of U SNAP BAC Inc
President and CEO of Greater Pontiac Community Coalition
Executive Director, Mexicantown Community Development Corporation
Founder & Chair, The Ideal Group, Inc.
Founder, President & CEO, The Michigan Hispanic Collaborative
Director, Wayne State University Center for Latino/a and Latin American Studies
Executive Director, Andrew's Place
Founder & Executive Director, The Color of Autism Foundation
Founder & CEO, Warriors on Wheels of Metropolitan Detroit
President & CEO, Autism Alliance of Michigan
Staff Attorney, Nancy Katz & Margo Dichtelmiller LGBTQ+ RIghts Project of the ACLU of Michigan
Comissioner, Stonewall Sports Detroit and Vice Chair, Michigan LGBTQ+ Commision
Director of Advocacy and Civic Engagement, Equality Michigan
Co-Founder, Ties Like Me!
Executive Director, Asian & Pacific Islander American Vote Michigan
Great Lakes Regional Chair, National Federation of Filipino American Associations
Vice Chair, Council of Asian Pacific Americans Advisory Board
President, Detroit Chinese Business Association
COO, Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services
President & CEO, America's Community Council
President and Chairman, American Arab Chamber of Commerce
President and CEO, Michigan Black Business Alliance
President and CEO, Michigan Women Forward
Co-Founder and CEO, Rebel Nell
President and CEO, Jackets for Jobs