
EDMONTON, AB - The Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation (EOCF) announced today that a record-breaking amount of $13 million has been reinvested to charitable organizations in Northern Alberta this past season.
The EOCF has been overwhelmed by the tremendous support and extreme generosity of Oil Country during these unprecedented times, as well as the support and success of the RE/MAX online 50/50 throughout the 2020-21 season.
Funding from the EOCF was primarily focused on programs aimed at those most vulnerable in the community, youth hockey programming with a goal to increase participation of under-represented groups in our community, and stepping up to support the community in times of need.
The EOCF's commitment to support frontline healthcare providers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic was of top priority, including a $2.2 million donation to Operation Frontline Impact to support 56 unique hospitals in Northern Alberta.
"With heartfelt thanks, we commend the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation for taking decisive action to support Alberta's frontline care providers," said Sharlene Rutherford, President and CEO, Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation.
"The pandemic has impacted our health system in myriad ways, but the personal toll upon those providing care these past 18 months under stress, duress, fatigue, and risk to their own families, is immense and all encompassing. Mental health supports will be crucial and Operation Frontline Impact is one way our community can begin to demonstrate its gratitude. Thank you to the EOCF for being there for those who have been there for us, and setting a clear example for others to follow."
"On behalf of the EOCF, the immense passion shown by fans of Oil Country through our online 50/50 was instrumental in helping set the record amount of $13 million donated. The EOCF is deeply committed to supporting programs aimed at those most vulnerable in our community," said Corey Smith, Board Chair, Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation.
"Supporting community groups such as the Royal Alexandra Hospital Foundation, whose work is woven into fabric of Edmonton, would not be possible without the continued generosity of fans across Oil Country."
The RE/MAX online 50/50 program has granted the EOCF a unique opportunity to support the community in deeply impactful ways and more funding opportunities will be announced in the fall to support the local community.