
All season long on the Devils Hockey Network, play-by-play man Matt Loughlin has been sitting down with your favorite New Jersey Devils to get to know them a little bit better off the ice in his Icebreakers segment.

Now we're bringing them to you in podcast and written form in case you missed it on the broadcast!

In this edition, Matt gets to know rookie defenseman Luke Hughes, featuring a range of answers about what gameshow he believes he'd excell at, what movie deserves a sequel and what type of animal Luke thinks he'd like to be and much more!

Matt Loughlin: We’re going to play a little bit of a game of Icebreakers with Luke Hughes, and Luke, we appreciate you allowing us to ask you some of the off-the-wall questions. Ready to have some fun?

Luke Hughes: Yeah, thanks.

ML: All right, we're gonna get to know a little bit more about you. So, who's the most famous person you ever met? And how did you meet him or her?

LH: That's a really tough question. I have no idea off the top of my head, I don't know, I think Sidney Crosby is pretty famous, right? So maybe him.

ML: Sidney Crosby, he fits the bill, that's for sure. If you had to eat a crayon, what color would it be?

LH: Probably wouldn't eat any of them, but probably blue.

ML: What game show do you think you could win?

LH: What's the one where you pick the boxes? And answer a question. It's like 500...

ML: Yeah, Jeopardy, maybe? Is that it?

LH: Yeah, that one.

ML: Especially if you get a daily double, because you could bang that out and pick up pick up a lot of money there. So name one movie that you've seen and you think should have a sequel.

LH: The Other Guys

ML: What's the first thing you thought about when you woke up this morning?

LH: I thought my alarm went off. So, I had to turn that off.

ML: Is a hot dog a sandwich?

LH: No.

ML: Would you rather be a superhero or the world's best chef?

LH: Superhero, easily.

ML: Why is that?

LH: It would be way cooler.

ML: Would you rather compete in the Olympics or direct a movie that was nominated for an Oscar?

LH: Compete in the Olympics.

ML: Kind of figured you’d go with that! What's something that you've always wanted to do but haven't done it yet? And how come?

LH: I haven't been to Paris or Italy, which would be cool. Probably go there.

ML: What's a book that you're currently reading?

LH: Not reading any books right now, but I actually have one I'd like to start, probably should start.

ML: That's alright, fair enough. We'll find out a little later on what it's all about. If you had an extra hour per day, what would you do with it?

LH: Honestly, probably just chill.

ML: Are you a spicy or sweet guy when it comes to food?

LH: Sweet.

ML: What's your favorite pizza topping?

LH: Pepperoni.

ML: What's your favorite type of ice cream?

LH: It changes but probably like, mint chocolate chip or like cookie dough, moose tracks.

ML: Let's not forget those, I’m a big moose tracks guy myself. Alright, so if you had to live in a video game, which one would you choose?

LH: Probably Fortnite, that would be cool. 

ML: If you could be any animal, what would it be?

LH: Maybe like an eagle?

ML: Listen, eagles soar above the world and look down and be aggressive and you know…

LH: You get to fly…

ML: Yeah, exactly. Do you have any secret talents?

LH: Yeah, I'm actually a pretty good pool player.

ML: Alright, and the last one, aside from answering silly Icebreaker questions, do you have a pet peeve?

LH: I have like little ones, but I don't know if they're big enough to say on here, there's nothing really. Yeah, I don't really have anything.

ML: Fair enough. Luke, thanks very much for your time.

LH: Thank you!
