Sharks and SAP provided three $115,000 grants to NPower, The Peninsula College Fund and Braven

In 2024 the Sharks Foundation and SAP announced a commitment to distribute $1 million dollars over the next three years to non-profit organizations closing educational and vocational gaps for underserved young adults. This January, the Sharks Foundation and SAP launched that mission through the start of their co-created Education Equity campaign focused on providing opportunities and preparing college students to enter the workforce.

“Education Equity is our focus because we understand the gap that exists between who is currently working in IT careers and those that have the potential to thrive here,” said Corporate Social Responsibility Director, SAP North America & SAP Latin America and the Caribbean, Katie Booth. “Each of the organizations we selected for the inaugural year of the Education Equity funding is doing incredible work to close this gap and create equitable outcomes for older youth and early professionals.”

The first beneficiary to receive funds was NPower, a non-profit that creates pathways to economic prosperity by launching digital careers for military veterans and young adults from underserved communities. NPower will use the $115,000 Community Assist Grant to support their Tech Fundamentals program, a proven training model that equips students with free, half-day tech skills training, professional development, social support, and lifetime access to an active and supportive alumni network. Through this program, students earn industry-recognized certifications, enabling them to secure middle-skill tech employment with solid income growth and career advancement and potential. "Our holistic approach combines technical skills training with career support and mentorship, ensuring our graduates not only find jobs but build sustainable, fulfilling careers in technology," said Executive Director, NPower California, Bertha Alicia Haro. The grant provided to NPower will support 300 individuals, age 18-26.

On January 23, representatives from NPower were hosted in the SAP suite at the Sharks vs Predators game at SAP Center. The night was dedicated to celebrating NPower, including a live check presentation of the Sharks Foundation and SAP grant funds, and a testimonial video shown on the scoreboard highlighting the non-profit’s programs and the grant’s impact. Watch the video, on our Instagram.

Sharks Foundation Executive Director, Kevin Brown; NPower California Executive Director, Bertha Haro;  SAP Corporate Social Responsibility Director, Katie Booth

Sharks Foundation Executive Director, Kevin Brown; NPower California Executive Director, Bertha Haro; SAP Corporate Social Responsibility Director, Katie Booth

The Peninsula College Fund (TPCF) was also a beneficiary of the January Education Equity campaign. Their mission is to assist and empower low-income, first-generation students in their quest to earn a college degree and achieve their career goals. TPCF’s vision is to transform lives through college success and entry into rewarding careers, with this transformation rippling out to families, communities, and intergenerationally to break the poverty cycle.

The $115,000 donation from the Sharks Foundation and SAP will support TPCF’s College & Career Leadership Conference (CCLC), an annual event held over the summer when the organization’s scholars are out of school and have returned home to the Bay Area. The CCLC is critical in gathering the students together to share their college experiences, build community, network, and learn from industry professionals. The grant will support the planning, preparation, and execution of the conference for 300 individuals between the ages of 17-24. “The partnership between the Sharks Foundation and SAP is transformational,” said Christina Mireles, Executive Director of The Peninsula College Fund. “This generous grant will allow us to bring impactful programs to life, like our College & Career Leadership Conference, immersive corporate site visits, and career-building workshops for first-generation college students. Together, we’re opening doors to opportunity, creating lasting connections, and empowering the next generation of leaders to thrive in their academic and professional journeys.”

On January 25, the Sharks Foundation and SAP welcomed TPCF to SAP Center where they were awarded the grant funds via a live check presentation inside SAP’s Concourse suite. Watch the video on our Instagram.

Sharks Foundation Executive Director, Kevin Brown; SAP Global Sponsorships, Jessica Harrison; The Peninsula College Fund Executive Director, Christina Mireles; The Peninsula College Fund Director of Development & Communications, Beth Williams; The Peninsula College Fund Founder, Charles Schmuck

Sharks Foundation Executive Director, Kevin Brown; SAP Global Sponsorships, Jessica Harrison; The Peninsula College Fund Executive Director, Christina Mireles; The Peninsula College Fund Director of Development & Communications, Beth Williams; The Peninsula College Fund Founder, Charles Schmuck

The third non-profit to receive an Education Equity grant from the Sharks Foundation this January was Braven. The mission of Braven is to empower promising, underrepresented young people with the skills, confidence, experiences and social capital necessary to transition from college to strong first jobs. They focus primarily on first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds and students of color. Braven believes that strong jobs lead to meaningful careers and lives of impact, aligning with their vision that the next generation of leaders will emerge from everywhere and be as diverse as the future demands.

The $115,000 grant provided to Braven will support their Career and Leadership Accelerator Summer Session at San Jose State University. This summer course is a 10-week intensive program designed to equip students with critical professional skills, networks, and confidence needed to secure strong first jobs post-graduation. The program builds on the existing 14-week Braven Accelerator course, but has been adapted to meet the needs of students who have scheduling conflicts during the traditional academic year. The funding will impact 100 SJSU students during summer 2025.

“This generous support from the Sharks Foundation and SAP is a game-changer for Braven and the students we serve,” said Executive Director of Braven, Diana Phuong. “With these grant funds, we’re not only empowering 100 first-generation, Pell-eligible, and underrepresented students at San Jose State University this summer but also paving the way for a scalable model that can impact countless more people across the nation. Partnerships like this are vital because they allow us to create meaningful pathways for students to achieve their career goals, bridging the opportunity gap and driving systemic change.”

On January 27, representatives from Braven enjoyed the Sharks game from SAP’s suite and participated in a ceremonial check presentation. A video highlight of the non-profit ran in-game. To watch the testimonial video go visit our Instagram.

Sharks Foundation Executive Director, Kevin Brown; SAP Senior Operations Specialist, Libby Straube; Braven Program Operations Intern & SJSU Student, Miguel De La Torre-Hernandez

Sharks Foundation Executive Director, Kevin Brown; SAP Senior Operations Specialist, Libby Straube; Braven Program Operations Intern & SJSU Student, Miguel De La Torre-Hernandez

In addition to the suite donation, each non-profit received in-arena signage donated by SAP on their respective game nights. In total, the Sharks Foundation donated $345,000 in partnership with SAP to support three non-profits during January’s Education Equity Campaign.
