
Brace yourselves.
With Game of Jones Thrones returning this Sunday, it begs the question: what would the House Words be for the San Jose Sharks? House Stark is "Winter Is Coming," House Lannister is "A Lannister always pays his debts. Hear Me Roar!" and so on.
Taking a cue from some of the existing House Words, we came up with seven House Words to represent the San Jose Sharks.
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8. House Tank - Hear Our Noise
There's a reason we say Turn Up The Tank - when the fans in SAP Center get going, you cannot hear anything except the deafening roar of the crowd.
7. House Donskoi - Dance of Robots
For the past two years, Sharks players have nominated Joonas Donskoi as the best dancer on the team. It was a mystery as to why, until this clip came out.

6. House Martin - Beard Is Coming
The first inclination is to give this one to Brent Burns or Joe Thornton, but both of those beards have already arrived. Paul Martin's beard has been the surprise of the offseason, popping up suddenly - yet not totally unexpectedly - like winter in Westeros.

5. House Dillon - Fight. Then Make Friends.
One of the nicest guys in hockey, Brenden Dillon's House earns these words after his Mic'd Up video went viral last season. In it, he fights Predators player Austin Watson and then talks about summer workout plans while in the penalty box.

4. House Pavelski - Beware Our Tips
With some of the best hand-eye coordination in the league, Joe Pavelski has made a name for himself as one of - if not the top - puck-tipper in the NHL.

3. House Aldrich - Our Blades Are Sharp
While we hesitate to give anybody the House Words of the infamous House Bolton, "Our Blades Are Sharp" is far too fitting for Mike Aldrich and the rest of the Sharks equipment staff for entirely different, non-horrible reasons.
2. House Thornton - We Do Not Wear Shirts
Joe Thornton famously - infamously? - goes shirtless in many of his media scrums. Or in Pittsburgh. Or when taking a photo for his 1000th career assist. Or in magazines.
1. House Hertl - Fun Must Be Always
This one was obvious.