
Back in June, we created an
82-song playlist
going through the Sharks 2019-20 schedule. Through the course of the playlist, we may have made a few jokes - okay, a lot of jokes. Look, it's the offseason, we have some some free time.
In the spirit of fairness and, of course, Shark Week, we decided to make a playlist all about us but from the perspective of our opponents. Think songs that other teams may have selected for the Sharks if they were the ones to create a playlist schedule.
And since it seemed to be the go-to song whenever the Sharks visited literally any opposing arena last season, yes there will be Baby Shark. A lot of Baby Shark. There's a surprising number of versions of Baby Shark.
So sit back, grab your earbuds, and enjoy. And try not to get too Mad Online.

Not all songs are suitable for all audiences.
Click here to view the playlist.