Living in Switzerland, most Devils games are played around 1 a.m. local time. Waking up for work at 6 a.m., Rino admits he's often asleep by 10 p.m., probably just as Nico is waking up from a pregame nap.
"In the morning, I wake up around 6 a.m. and I look at the scores online, some video for four or five minutes," Rino shared. And with that, Rino moves on with his day. When the two do catch up, it rarely is about hockey. Of course, it comes up, it's a big part of both their lives in different ways, but it's not part of the norm.
"My wife and I, we don't talk too much hockey with Nico," Rino said, "That was also when he was younger too, after the game, two or three words and then we discuss other things, not only hockey, hockey, hockey. He doesn't like it, Luca (Nico's older brother) is the same."
So much of the way Rino carries himself is familiar. You immediately understand where Nico's balance comes from. Talking with Rino Hischier affirms so much about what we've grown to know about Nico, they speak with sincerity, they speak with passion and authenticity, and they are above anything else good human beings with strong values.
Read the full story here!