
MONTREAL -- Habs owner, president, and CEO Geoff Molson has been following the government's directives and the NHL's strict protocols throughout Phase 3, but that hasn't stopped him from staying in touch while staying at home. The Habs boss is back with more answers to fan questions from social media.

Tweet your questions for Geoff using the hashtag #AskGeoffCHC and he could answer you next.

[Editor's note: some questions have been edited or translated for clarity]

Question from @an.gelo123 on Instagram
Are you excited that the Montreal Canadiens made the playoffs?

I'm very excited. I'm perfectly aware that our chances of making the playoffs were very low as we ended the regular season, but this is a new world right now where we're living with a pandemic. The rules changed temporarily. Are we lucky? We sure are, but we're looking forward to it. Our players are really pumped about it and we're going to do the best we can to make sure our fans enjoy it as much as possible.

Question from @brandon_murakami on Instagram
Since large gatherings are not possible, will the Habs organize a virtual group watch party?

We're looking at as many alternatives as possible to give our fans a chance to watch the Canadiens play in the postseason. We've explored many options and we're looking into ways we can have fans interacting with the team virtually. We've also had a "Tweet Wall" set up in Brossard throughout Phase 2 and 3, so fans could send in messages that the players were able to see during practice. It's a nice way for people to be able to show their support for the team virtually.

We're looking at all sorts of ways to use social media platforms and Web site to give fans access to the team.

Hockey really brings people together, which is why we'll be looking into ways we can use our platforms to help fans gather together virtually so they can watch and cheer for the team safely.

Question from @lydiaverreault on Instagram
Do you have any concerns about the Return to Play plan?

The protocol is so detailed and we've been so diligent and will continue to be diligent throughout the process, because the success of the Return to Play plan relies on everyone following protocols. The plan was developed with top health officials to ensure everyone's safety, which has always been the No. 1 priority of everyone involved. We all need to do our part to make sure it works and I'm looking forward to it.

Question from @david_abitbol3 on Instagram
What are your thoughts on the 24-team format?

I think it'll be an interesting test. You see things similar to this in other sports, like in football where you'll get wildcard games. After a gruelling season in the NHL, this is almost like a wildcard round. There's been a lot of chatter about whether we should or shouldn't have something like that. Given this unique environment, I think it's going to be really interesting to see how that works.

Hockey returns on August 1

Question from @ben_dmitrienko on Instagram
Could we see a third jersey for the Habs in the upcoming series against Pittsburgh?

(laughs) I hear this one a lot. No we won't see a third jersey for the upcoming playoffs, but we will introduce a third jersey at some point over the next few years and I'm really looking forward to it.

Question from @christopher\paradis\ on Instagram
What player did you appreciate the most in this past decade and why?

There are a few players that come to mind -- players like Andrei Markov and Tomas Plekanec. One that stands out for sure in my mind is Carey Price, who has been with this team ever since I got here. He's had a tremendous amount of success, he's extremely determined, he's a great teammate, he gives back to the community, and he's probably the player who's under the most pressure in Montreal. He handles that really well and is a calming force for the team. He's someone I'm really proud to have had here with the Canadiens for over 10 years.