Reaves Halloween video split

It wouldn’t be Halloween without a good jump scare.

On Tuesday, Toronto Maple Leafs forward Ryan Reaves dressed up as Michael Myers, the iconic horror film character, and scared some of his teammates as they were walking into the arena.

Reaves hid inside a cardboard box outside the building’s entrance, waiting for his unsuspecting teammates to walk past.

He got most of his teammates pretty good (maybe Max Domi and William Nylander the worst), while Mitchell Marner didn’t even blink an eye.

“Good try,” Marner said to the camera after not even flinching at the jump scare.

Auston Matthews walked in a different entrance and escaped the frightful start to the day.

The Buffalo Sabers had their players pick a trick or a treat in a funny social media video posted Tuesday.

Other teams showed off what their players are wearing for the holiday.

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