EverFi School Day 2

On Wednesday, December 19, the New Jersey Devils teamed up with EverFi to takeover Marlboro Memorial Middle School in Morganville, New Jersey. Over 300 eighth grade students participated in a day-long event that focused on the importance of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), healthy eating habits, physical fitness and the sport of hockey.

The day kicked off with NJ's Healthy Hat Trick School Assembly Program hosted by Goldin Martinez of "Get Focused" and performed by NJ Devil, official mascot of the New Jersey Devils. This interactive assembly promotes healthy meal options, physical fitness exercises, STEM, and the key fundamentals of hockey, which ties in with the program's motto: Be Educated, Be Healthy, Be Active.

EverFi School Day 4

The children then broke out into different groups that took part in the Future Goals - Hockey Scholar program presented by EverFi in partnership with the NHL and NHLPA. The program leverages hockey and the New Jersey Devils brand to teach math and science fundamentals through a digital course. The program goes beyond that to also teach students about different career choices they can pursue in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM), careers.

EverFi School Day 1

"The NHL, NHLPA, and New Jersey Devils have an exceptional focus in the school community and all three are always looking to engage students in and out of the classroom," EverFi's Alan Joseph said. "Offering not only the STEM program at no cost, but also bringing a holistic experience and extending the learning really goes a long way with schools as an amazing added value to the online resource. It's truly fun for everyone!"
Students then had the opportunity to apply these concepts through the New Jersey Devils floor hockey program led by Devils Alumni Colin White and Bruce Driver, along with the Devils Grassroots staff during their physical education classes. Every student had the chance to play hockey with their fellow classmates and the classes featured several competitive games, including a 5v5 girls matchup that came down to the final seconds. Floor Hockey helped tie the concepts from EverFi's STEM program and the core values of NJ Devil's Healthy Hat Trick assembly together. Devils Alumnus Bruce Driver played in several hockey games with the kids.
"During our part of the programs today, we offered the experience of trying a new sport that many had never done before," Driver explained about the day. "Participating in our floor hockey game was an interactive and hands on athletic experience. Providing out of classroom activities where you are still learning at the same time gives the children a unique and fun experience."

EverFi School Day 3

"Our school felt so lucky to have the Devils and Everfi come out and promote the importance of physical education and STEM programs," said eighth grade science teacher Samantha Pagliaro. "The takeover event provided students with the opportunity to make real-world connections to science concepts and engage in authentic learning experiences. The day's programs were engaging, informative, and above all, fun!"

EverFi School Day 5

To follow the Devils on social media, fans can find them at @NJDevils on

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. To learn more about NJ Devil's Healthy Hat Trick Assembly Program and Future Goals Hockey Scholar Program, visit
. To learn more about Goldin Martinez's Get Focused program, visit
. To learn more about Everfi and their partnership with the NHL and NHLPA, visit