Vancouver Giants Referee Appreciation Night

Despite what your eyes might’ve told you, there were no extra officials on the ice during the Vancouver Giants game Sunday.

It was just the players -- yes, the players -- wearing the iconic black-and-white stripes for the day.

Instead of the players wearing normal team sweaters during the game, the WHL team decided to dress its guys up as referees to help celebrate Referee Appreciation Night.

It was certainly a sight to behold as the players donned the black-and-white stripes, and it sure made for a funny scene when the Giants scored a goal.

When else do you see so many stripes on the ice together?

Meanwhile, the referees -- the real ones, that is -- had to change their uniforms to avoid any confusion and wore plain beige shirts instead.

The players will give the referees their uniforms back for the next game, but it sure seemed like they enjoyed rocking the stylish colors for a day.