Let's get into the position. There's that old cliché that “goalies are voodoo.” What do people not understand about the position?
I've heard that. I've had my hockey schools for years, and if you asked any parent if their son wants to be a goalie right away, their first answer is, “Oh no! And (a) this can cost me a lot of money, and (b) is my kid weird?”
I would say that it's the exact opposite. I think being a goalie is the greatest blessing you could ever ask for. I think they're the smartest guys; they're the hardest-working guys. The position is misunderstood because not very many people do it, and it's a very introverted position, right? You're by yourself. You don't have anybody to talk to. You're constantly having to process things on your own.
As a skater, if you miss a pass and you get back to the bench, 20 guys on the bench understand exactly what you just went through because they've had it happen to them 100 times. As a goalie, you have nobody. (a), you can't come to the bench, and (b), not a single player is going to understand except the other goaltender, and when you're young, the other goaltender wants to steal your job. So you really are on an island.
That's where I come in. You become their ability to talk to somebody and evaluate and flow through. I don't think goalies are weird at all. I think they are very intellectual. They are very thoughtful, and I think that they are forced to think about things in a different way because of the position. A lot of them end up being amazing people outside of the rink because of the way they think; it's just that the way they think is different than all the players think. Players might have 10 different things happen in one shift. They have to just let it go and move on. They have so many things going on, and they're also playing with other people and relying on other people, whereas when you're a goaltender, you're really just relying on yourself. And we try to encourage that as well, that, “Hey, it's up to me” (mindset). But sometimes, that could be overwhelming and very hard.
Grubi shared with me that you go in the room between periods, working with your goaltenders and almost serving as a translator, if you will, if maybe something needs to change in front of the goaltender, or maybe the goaltender isn't seeing something. Walk us through that part of your job. Because we see the coaches behind the bench, but we don't get to see you working with your players in game.
I think that goes to what I talked about earlier, about what's going on in the game, right? I don't talk to the goalies very often during the game. I would say very minimally. But when I do, let's say it’s about puck touches. Puck touches are something where the defense and the goalie have to be in sync. Maybe in a particular game, because of the forecheck, we have to adjust the way we come back, right? So between periods, I might go and talk to the defense and say, “Hey, let's adjust; let's do this.” Then I have to go to the goaltender and say, “Hey, we're going to adjust and do this. Let's look for this out.”
Every once in a while, we'll talk about something technically, but most of the time, I don't want the goalies thinking during the game. They have to be just reacting. And so, very rarely do I ever talk to the goaltenders or talk to them about stuff like that. I might say, “Hey, you're getting a little deep, or they're looking to the backside on the power play or something like that. But not very often, probably three or four times. Most of the time, when I go in the dressing room, it's more to address the goalie and the players working together on the same page.
We see practices, and they seem so geared toward the skaters. A goaltender can't go all out in a practice because you don’t want to risk injury. How do you make practices beneficial for goaltenders?
As a staff, we work on that a lot. The coaching staff is very, very good about being open to suggestions. Maybe we're doing too many rushes, and we need to dial it back a little bit because if our goalie is going east-west the whole practice, we're risking injury. That would be a conversation that we might have. Or, we're playing such and such team, and they really like to do a certain play. (We talk about) “Can we adjust our drill to include that play?”
A lot of times, my work comes before practice. Every day, I get half an hour with the goalies, and that's when we really hammer on the technical side, the reads of the game, how we're going to attack the team we're playing, and then the practice side is how the team's going to attack our play. Most of the time (in a team practice) I want the goalies to just play and practice right and just stop pucks. Have fun stopping pucks. We work on our stuff before practice. If we need to, we might work out a little after practice, but most of the time during practice, it's just battle, compete and have fun.
One of the biggest cliches that we always ask players are, “What are your goals for the season?” Or “What are you looking to accomplish?” Do you strategize with your players going into a season for adjustments or things they want to accomplish across the season?
100%. With my business and entrepreneurship background and my master's degree experience, my whole life is based around goals and preparing for goals and shooting for goals. We do that a lot. We have segment goals, monthly goals, season goals.
We try to set a season goal, but the reality is, with a season goal, you never get a sense of happiness of achieving the goal till the end of the season. So, how do you keep that excitement? How do you keep that positivity of achieving little goals along the way? So, we try to set smaller goals, and sometimes they're not always number-related, and sometimes they're not team-related. And the reason I say that is, let's just take a play. A player shoots the puck from the blue line. Our guy goes out to try to block it, it happens to hit a skate and go in. Well, that player didn't mean to do that, and we didn't know it was going to happen. It's sort of a tough save, right?
If we said, “Well, we're not going to let in any shots from the blue line,” well, that's a pretty silly goal, right? We try to set goals that we can achieve with no outside influence. So, no matter how the team plays, no matter how anybody else does, you can achieve the goals if they are attainable, achievable goals. Control what you can control. Most of the time during the season, we'll use those kinds of goals.
Obviously, every goalie wants to win the Stanley Cup; every goalie wants to win the Conn Smythe; every goalie wants to win the Vezina and every goal he wants to win the Jennings. Everybody wants to make the All-Star game. Everybody has those types of goals, and we shoot for them, but sometimes those are so far ahead that it's hard to live in the present moment. And you (don’t want to) let the present moment ups and downs affect you, as opposed to just focusing on one step, let it go, move on, take another step. So, we try to focus more on being in the present and goals that we can achieve that aren't influenced by outside.
Let's talk about your players. What do you appreciate about each one’s game and what are maybe steps each can continue to take as a goaltender?
Well, I'll attack what I appreciate about them more than the other one. Grubi is, like I said, the kindest person I've ever met. He is such a good human being. He's a hard worker. He's very dedicated to his craft. Everything he does is thinking about the game and goaltending, and I really appreciate his willingness to work, his openness to criticism, and to praise; I'd say he's more open to criticism than he is to praise. Areas that he needs to improve on. I'd rather just stay away from that. But I mean, they all know their areas, and we work on them, and we come together on coming up with the solutions, but I have nothing but appreciation for him.
Joey just brings a smile. You know, he's very enthusiastic, and I'm like that as well. So, that's something that we really click on. And he's such a student of the game. He's so dedicated, it makes your job easier. You know, I don't have to poke and prod him. I have to pull back the reins because he is the hardest worker. He is so dedicated. He’s nutrition and working out and everything…flexibility and strength, taking care of his body. He's very, very easy to work with. They both are. They're very low maintenance, for sure.
I think the biggest thing I appreciate is their willingness to learn, their willingness to improve, and their kindness. I think that those three things are the first three things that jump off the page to me.
I think it's a strength of our team that we have two goaltenders who play different styles. And there's different styles coming up across the league. So, for a newer fan, if they're watching a goaltender, what are some things to study or start to appreciate, to really understand what a goaltender is doing when they're out there?
That's a tough question. Let's start with styles. I agree; there are a bunch of different styles, and I am more of a let them play their style coach. Some coaches want the goalie to play this way, and that's all there is to it. “This is the way you make the save.”
I always tell the story like this. My son, when he was growing up, used to play hockey at this one rink, same rink, every day. Every single day, I would drive to that rink the exact same route. My wife would go to that rink 20 times, and she would drive there 20 different ways. We're getting to the same spot. We see it in different ways. If it was a math equation, you and I would see a math equation. I would solve it one way. You might solve it in a totally different way. We're still getting to the same result. So, I always try to say, ‘Okay, that's the way they play. How can we maximize what they already do? And how can we improve on a couple of things?’
So, on the style side of things, I enjoy that both (of our goalies) play differently. I think that what you see in the NHL is they start off at the beginning of the year with completely separate goalies, and by the end of the year, they kind of morph into similar because they see things that work for the other goalie and say, ‘oh, I'm going to give that a try.” Grubi has been playing the puck really, really well lately. While Joey obviously plays the puck a lot, Grubi sees where he can add some of that into his game, and he does an amazing job. He doesn't play the puck nearly as much, but you can see slowly (it comes in).
And Grubi does an amazing job on his feet and moving around the ice on his feet. Joey has really done an amazing job of taking some of that from Grubi, and he's been really good on his feet, relying on his feet a little bit more. And he's been so fast by doing that. And that's been great.
So, I encourage the styles. If they were both the same, that'd be great, too, but I don't look down on whether they play one way or the other.
On the second part about would the fans need to know about that? (It comes down to) does the puck go in the net, or does it not? I think sometimes fans will see a save a certain way, and they'll be like, “Oh!” The biggest one is when they see Joey play the puck. Fans need to understand that that's just the way he feels comfortable in the game, and a lot of the time, that helps his teammates to break out. That's a part of his game that he's really improved on, and he's really developed. Grubi is more of just stop the puck, get it into (his teammates) hands and let them (break out).
Neither one of them is right, neither one of them is wrong. That's just two different styles, and the team has to adjust to what kind of goaltender they have. I think that the way they make saves…obviously Joey is a bigger guy than Grubi, so he takes up a little bit more net. Maybe his depth doesn't need to be as much as Grubi's (whose) depth has to be a little bit more to get hit by certain shots. Or if he can't seem to be able to get hit by pucks because he's in the right position, sometimes that means that you have to scramble back a little bit harder because you may be a little bit further out. So, it might look a little scramblier, but if the puck goes in on the first shot, there is no second shot to have to scramble for, right? So, I think fans should just know that these guys are experts. They're (among) the best 70 in the world, and their execution their work ethic are at the peak of the world. They know what they're doing.
Let’s wrap up with some conversation about the position as a whole and kind of where it's going. We know Joey has shared he's he does a lot of virtual training and preparation. Grubi’s sampled with it, too. What are your thoughts on bringing that element in? How do you balance that with traditional reps? And how does that become part of the goaltending equation?
I have a background in entrepreneurship, and I've always thought if you own a business, you're always trying to improve it, and (thinking about) how can we find the edge? Since I've been coaching goaltenders, that's what I've always done, is try to find what is the next edge. Like the personality assessments. We would learn the personalities over the course of a year. But if we can do a personality assessment and learn that like in an instant, why would we spend the whole year maybe making mistakes and stuff when we can learn it quicker?
(Working on) vision. Grui does it every day, and Joey and Grubi both do vision training. Joey likes the virtual Sense Arena, and Grubi uses Synaptic. Two different things, but the idea of the vision training started with a goalie coach by the name of Mitch Korn. And Mitch and I worked together. I take that back. I followed Mitch for three years, and he was my goalie coach when I played, and we said, “Well, we work on the mind, we work on the body, but we never work on the eyes.” And so that's where it all got started. This is like 15 years ago, and that's how we met these people in Minnesota who do all the vision testing, and that's how that whole thing grew. And now everybody does it. It's kind of standard practice. But back when we did it, when we first started it, we were, like, the only goalies doing it.
And then, you work on; you look at the mind. It used to just be like, either you're confident or not, or, if you were struggling, it was just like, I'll forget about it. And then you learn that it's like an injury. You don't work out once you get injured. You work out before, so you don't get injured. Well, working on the mind. You can't just work on it when the goalie is struggling because it's too late! He's injured! He's been working on it before so that he never gets injured, so that his ups and downs are so minimal and so fast that he's more consistent.
My best example of that is Grubi. He had a game against San Jose, and it wasn't one of his best games, and he really struggled in that game. The very next game, he goes into New Jersey, and was incredible. And then he wins against the Rangers, and now he's rolling and playing great.
Years passed when I didn't maybe work on the mind as much as I should have. Maybe I was in the old school mentality of don't talk about it unless he's struggling and working on it before so that he doesn't get to a struggle. Grubi was able to bounce out of that like that the very next game. He was incredible and just rolling. It's because we had worked on it before - the ability to just let things go and to move on, and how no day is the same as the next day. And just because you had a bad day this day doesn't mean you have a bad day the next day unless you take it forward with you.
And those exercises of being able to let go…Grubi has been doing them for three years now, and so I thought that was the best example I've seen of this year of the ability to work on it, and then something bad happens and to be able to bounce out of it right away…people need to know that that's taking Grubi three years of working hard every day on the mind and positivity and being in the present moment and letting things go, not being so hard on himself. So that's a great example of prep work on the mental side.
I think all of those things, all the goalie coaches, all the coaches in the league are always trying to find an edge. I think that's what people are seeing is that “What's the next edge?” Is it a new skate sharpening? Is it a new skate boot? Is it a new stick that you know doesn't ever break? Or is it whatever the scenario is? But we're always looking whether it's equipment, whether it's nutrition, whether it's vision, whether it's mental, whether it's communication…communication is such a big one that we never talk about and in hockey, just the communication between teammates, how that makes each other feel and bring us together, right?
All these little tiny edges that you're always trying to find always remind me of running a business, and you are always trying to grow your business and make it better, right? Can I do a little bit more marketing? Should I hire this person who would do a little bit better job? What if we change this little thing to do with our product? Maybe we could sell to this industry instead. So that's no different than the goalie, right? How can we find that little edge to make it a little bit better every time?