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Grab a timer, a water bottle and your favorite music. It's time to get Fit To Be King, powered by 24 Hour Fitness!

Take on the challenge with 24 Hour Fitness Master Trainer, Nik Herold, in these next six videos and be like a King too!
Below is the explanation of today's circuit, the descriptions of how to perform each move, and modifications.
Remember:DO NOT be ashamed nor afraid of modifications! We all start somewhere. Focus on form, listen to your body, and most importantly: have fun!

Circuit One
To perform an E.M.O.M. circuit you'll start a timer and perform each exercise as quickly and athletically as possible, while maintaining proper form throughout the movement. You will start each exercise in the circuit at the top of each minute. After performing the assigned number of repetitions you'll rest for the remainder of that minute. The goal of an E.M.O.M. circuit is to increase the remaining rest time of each minute the next time you train that circuit.
For this circuit, you'll move through these three exercises one after the other in a circuit for three rounds (a total of nine minutes). After completing these three rounds, you'll perform a one-minute finisher for your core, to round off the duration of the workout to a total of 10 minutes.
Circuit Exercises
Sets: 3
Reps: As noted for each exercise; rest for the remainder of the minute
One-Minute Core Finisher
Sets: 1
Reps: As many as you can, for one minute
Imaginary Medicine Ball Chest Passes
Let us know in the comments below what you thought of this circuit!