Krueger Mediawall 01

"The most important communication for me here early on would be to listen." -Sabres Head Coach Ralph Krueger
Listen. Give one's attention to a sound. Hear. Pay Attention. Be Attentive. Concentrate on hearing. Lend an ear to. Hang on someone's words. Be all ears.

Ralph Krueger on The Instigators

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication. Effective listening is a skill that underpins all positive human relationships.
Of all the attributes he possesses, for all the polish he has with the media, and the respect he's earned from his peers within the game, listening is the most important skill Ralph Krueger can utilize to steer the Sabres back to contender status.
What has happened before that didn't work? What do you need to be a better player? What can I do to help? How can we put you in a better position to succeed?
Whatever line of questioning Krueger takes, the answers will be absorbed.
In a world that features so much non-verbal communication, it's beyond refreshing to hear someone speak/answer so confidently, and directly because he was actually engaged in the conversation.
Assuming that carries over into every introductory meeting and subsequent interaction Krueger has with each player, prospect and member of his coaching staff, respect, trust, and belief should follow.
It must.
Read More on Krueger:
- Get to Know Ralph Krueger - Media Reaction