Nurse use

Ladies and gentlemen... Darnell Nurse?

The Edmonton Oilers shared a video of the defenseman in full "Saturday Night Live" host mode where he is announcing the beginning of the weekend. But also, maybe he's announcing the singer The Weeknd?

For the uninitiated, the Oilers clip was an homage to a wildly popular Twitter account,

, which features only one clip, posted every Friday evening without fail.
The clip is of actor Daniel Craig from his appearance hosting Saturday Night Live on March 7, 2020. In it, he announces the musical guest by saying "Ladies and gentlemen, The Weeknd."
But something about his delivery - let's call it exasperated relief - struck a chord with working people who felt the same way about finishing their work weeks.
Here's the most recent post, which have hit consistently on Fridays.

The account blew up to a near half-million followers and even got a reference on iconic game show "Jeopardy!" recently.

Even the singer The Weeknd, the subject of the viral clip, got in the mix.

With Craig, best known for his role as James Bond in the most recent series of 007 movies, involved, the official Bond account also got in on the action.

Now that Nurse has successfully tackled Craig's role in one capacity, maybe he will get a shot to be the next Bond?