Bedard travis kelce

You don’t need to know how to say Connor Bedard's name to know he’s good at hockey.

NFL star Travis Kelce had trouble pronouncing the Chicago Blackhawks rookie forward’s name on a new episode of his “New Heights” podcast.

The Kansas City Chiefs tight end and his brother, Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce, were picking their all-NFL starting five hockey teams when Travis name dropped Bedard.

“This is like the rookie that the Blackhawks just got that I was just talking about…Connor Bed-nard or Connor Bend-dard,” Travis attempted to pronounce in a clip. “I don’t even know how to say his last name. I just know I love watching that dude play hockey.”

Travis’ mishap earned a big laugh from his brother.

The Blackhawks responded with on social media saying Travis can just call the rookie “Bedsy.”

Travis also expressed interest in jumping in net with the Blackhawks after seeing a video of former NFL tight end Rob Gronkowski playing goalie with the Tampa Bay Lightning.

The two-time Super Bowl champion will learn Bedard’s name real fast after he faces the rookie’s slap shot.

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