Eli Carcone

Michael Carcone's son might only be four years old, but he’s already chirping like a veteran.

The Arizona Coyotes mic’d up the forward’s toddler son during their game against the Winnipeg Jets at Mullett Arena on Saturday.

The adorable tot was thrilled to wear the microphone. He performed a mic check and showed the gadget to one of his little friends as he told her they can hear everything he is saying.

Eli wasn’t afraid to throw shade at the Coyotes opponent.

“Let’s go Winnipeg Jets! Oh…just kidding,” the toddler chanted before putting his thumbs down.

Of course, Eli got to munch on some sweets and proudly showed off his Fun Dip candy.

Eli continued his chants, giving some of his dad’s teammates a shoutout.

“Let’s go Big Bad Bainer [Jack McBain]” and “Let’s go Matias Maccelli,” the toddler cheered.

The video ended with an appropriate “Woo.”