
Howdy Scarlet Caps! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. This is my favorite time of year, not just because it's the heart of the hockey season, but also because of the prospect of snow (!) and spending time with family and friends. But it's also a time of high stress for many: making travel plans, holiday gift buying, all those parties and events, and end of year work obligations on top of our already busy lives.

So today I want to introduce you to Child's Pose. It's one of my favorite poses and my go-to when I'm feeling worn out. It is the perfect antidote to stress, anxiety and worry. It also helps stimulate digestion and it stretches the hips and low back, which are two problem areas for most athletes. Before we begin, you may want to have a towel or a blanket nearby in case this pose causes discomfort in your knees. Here's how you do it:
Kneel down on the floor, preferably on a soft surface such as a carpet, yoga mat or blanket. Sit back on your heels so that your lower legs are folded under your thighs. You can keep your knees together or open them wide apart, which is how I usually do it. I would recommend knees apart if you feel a bit creaky with them together.
If even this is uncomfortable, take your towel or blanket, roll it up and sandwich it between the back of your thighs and your knees or the top of your lower legs. The tops of your feet should be flat on the floor. If this is a strain, curl your toes under so only your tiptoes are on the floor. (If this is still uncomfortable, you can try this pose lying down. Roll onto your back and draw your knees into your chest. Hold them at the back of your thighs or the front of your shins, whichever feels better.)
On an exhale, slowly fold forward so that your chest is on or as close as you can comfortably get it to your thighs (emphasis on comfortably!). Don't strain, rush or push yourself. Breathe. Soften your face. Relax. If you can't make it all the way down, use your hands as brakes to help you slowly navigate your way into the pose.
You have several options with your arms. You may wish to fold them in front of you, using your hands (or fists) as a pillow upon which to rest your forehead. This is probably my favorite way to do it. You also could keep your arms by your sides or extend them in front of you. Breathe.
Before you adjust your knees or arms, pause and breathe again. See what comes to you. Don't think about it, just see if you can sense what feels right. If for whatever reason, what you've done doesn't feel right, pause, breathe, and make an adjustment. If this is all new to you, expect that you'll need to experiment with the positioning of your body.
Whenever I feel the need to pause in my yoga practice, I come to child's pose, adjust myself so I'm as comfortable as I can be, and breathe. I don't move again until the proverbial voice inside my head tells me to. Sometimes that's in as little as one or two breaths. Sometimes I'm there for five minutes or more. I frequently do this pose off my mat in lieu of a nap or to calm frazzled nerves or thoughts. It's always restorative.
Now you try!
Thanks for reading, happy holidays and let's go Caps!