The Carolina Hurricanes are happy to help local organizations with their fundraising efforts. We give generously to hundreds of groups each year by offering signed hockey memorabilia to support fundraising efforts. In order to be fair and consistent, we ask that organizations seeking donations please adhere to the following guidelines:
All donation requests must be submitted online at least six (6) weeks prior to the fundraising events. To properly track requests and for maximum efficiency, no telephone calls, facsimiles, mail or email requests will be accepted.
Due to the high volume of requests we receive, the Hurricanes can only honor requests from charitable organizations and schools within the state of North Carolina. Please note that we are able to fulfill one donation per organization per calendar year.
If you are selected to receive a donation, items must be used for fundraising purposes. Items cannot be used as door prizes, employee incentives, volunteer recognitions, giveaways or for any other purpose that does not directly raise money for your organization.
The Hurricanes cannot provide items for personal use or contribute to business or organizational rewards programs.
We are unable to support individual or company fundraising efforts on behalf of a third party (United Way Campaign, MS Walk, Relay for Life, Leukemia & Lymphoma Man & Woman of the Year, etc.) as we directly support the local chapter of all national charities.
All donations will be in the form of autographed memorabilia. Due to the demand, we are unable to make monetary contributions.
The Hurricanes do not accept personal items to be signed. If personal items are received for autograph purposes, there is no guarantee that the items will be returned.
Please note that due to the high volume of requests the Hurricanes receive, inquiries about donation status are discouraged. All donation decisions are final and will be mailed according to event dates.
For any questions about the guidelines or donation process, please contact [email protected].