In 2018, Nic and Paige Dowd created Dowd's Crowd to provide the opportunity for a child with sensory issues to be able to attend and enjoy a Caps game. Tickets and a Dowd's Crowd branded sensory kit are provided to recipients who are selected through local organizations and schools. The Dowds were inspired to launch this player program due to Paige's education in Speech Therapy in college. Paige continues to work in this field and the Dowds enjoy being able to meet with their ticket recipients to chat post-game.

There are many reasons someone could need a sensory kit - autism or not. Hockey games and other sporting events have a lot of overwhelming stimuli: the bright white ice, lights, the speed of the game, the unpredictability of players, goal horns, the slashing and slapping of sticks, and the yelling and cheering of fans. All the aspects that make the game exciting for most fans can make it uncomfortable for others. The items provided in The Assist Kit can help reduce sounds and sights of the fan experience and bring it down to a comfortable level for the person - and their family - to be able to enjoy a game.