Since the establishment of the Minnesota Wild Foundation in 2009, Treasure Island Resort & Casino has demonstrated incredible generosity and support for its charitable efforts with particular focus on removing barriers and providing opportunities to play hockey. For over a decade, financial support came in the form of a game magazine sales match initiative, which funded an annual grant to Minnesota Hockey and a youth hockey scholarship program for skaters in St. Paul. Since the first match donation in 2009, TI donated $1 million to the Wild Foundation providing over 1,000 scholarships keeping kids in St. Paul on the ice.
In 2021 a new giving initiative was launched called The Big Assist. With this new program Treasure Island committed to donating $200 to the Wild Foundation for each assist made by Wild players during regular season games and $400 for assists in postseason. The funds from this program will be focused on diversity in hockey programming with the goal of providing access and opportunity to a more diverse community for deeper engagement and participation in hockey. In its first year, the team tallied 537 assists translating into a donation of $109,900 to the Wild Foundation.
Assists are a humble action taken with humility and are a demonstration of togetherness and teamwork. An assist is an unselfish act that makes a shared goal possible. Treasure Island's Big Assist program aims to demonstrate that same selfless teamwork as we come together to create a greater State of Hockey by making the game more accessible to more kids.