Dr. Dan Deckelbaum
Head Team Physician
Dr. Dan Deckelbaum was promoted to Head Team Physician in September 2023, after 12 years in the organization. He held the title of Assistant to the Head Team Physician since being hired prior to the 2011-12 season. He is currently an assistant professor at the Divisions of Trauma and General Surgery at the McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), an associate member of the Department of Epidemiology, biostatistics, and occupational health at McGill University, as well as an honorary associate professor at the National University of Rwanda. Dr. Deckelbaum obtained his subspecialty training in trauma surgery and critical care at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, while also completing a Master of Public Health at the University of Miami. Not only is he one of the most respected doctors in North America due to his outstanding clinical practice skills, but Dr. Deckelbaum also developed a passion for global surgical education and development, as well as disaster preparedness and response, that allowed him to establish and co-direct the MUHC Centre for Global Surgery. His interest in global health is founded upon on-site clinical experience in government hospitals in East Africa, in addition todisaster response activities in Somalia, Kenya, Turks and Caicos, and Haiti.