North American Skater - Kamloops, WHL
Final Rank:57Midterm Rank:59
Height:6' 2"Weight:185
Born:January 30, 1992
Born in:Burnaby, BC, CAN
Drafted: 2010: CBJ (5th Round / 124th Overall) 

On getting his start in hockey: It all started with my dad teaching me how to skate on open ice. From there, I ended up joining Cloverdale Minor Hockey. I had a neighbor, Kevin Sunder, who introduced me to the Burnaby Winter Club, which was an entirely new world of competitive minor hockey for me. And it so it was great experience playing there growing up.

On his style of play: I feel I'm a solid two way defenseman, I try to work out of my own end first, obviously being a defenseman and also I think I could provide some offense from the back end.

On patterning his game: Growing up, I always loved watching Chris Pronger. I mean, the guy's first pass out of the zone is incredible, and he's big, strong, he's a prototypical defenseman.

On being traded from Calgary to Kamloops:
I think it is a good situation for me. I was obviously playing for a great team in Calgary, but they also had a lot of great defensemen, where going to Kamloops, I think I can come in and assume a bigger role. And it's also a young team, so I feel that I can bring some of my leadership qualities and even next year or the year after, the Blazers are going to be a great team.

On his most memorable hockey moments so far: Many of them came during my minor hockey. I participated in the Quebec International Pee Wee Tournament, and that will be in my memory forever. It was a great experience. And also, in my Bantam year, my Burnaby Winter Club team, we won the Bantam Championships, so that was really exciting. Also, my first WHL goal, it was great to get that out of the way. I actually scored I think six games into my career. It wasn't the best goal. I actually got hit right after I shot the puck. So I didn't even see it go in the net, but it did, and I'll take it. We were up 7 1 I think, and so I was playing some power play late in the game and. I got the puck in the top hand right corner and I pull it to the middle. And just as I was doing that, the guy came storming out of the penalty box and right when I shot it, he just hammered me.

On his dad’s influence and the advice he gives: He's had a huge influence on me. Both my parents have. He obviously was the one that introduced me to hockey and he's also that guy that I can go to after games and just kind of reflect. It is sometimes tough times. I mean, he's never going to lie to me. He'll tell me if I played a good game or a bad game. But if I played a good game, he's there to tell me great job, and if I play a bad game, he's going to help me figure out what I need to do better and how to prepare for the next game. When I was younger, sometimes it would rattle me quite a bit, maybe start crying on the way home. I mean now, it's all constructive. I've realized that. And he's really great about it.

On playing for Team Pacific: It was a bit of an eye opener. Playing at the Burnaby Winter Club growing up, I always played with and against a lot of the great players but never on a worldwide scale and coming into that tournament, I think we lost to the U.S. 11-0 or something in our first exhibition game. And Team Pacific was supposed to be one of the teams, one of the forces to be reckoned with. But it was an eye opener for all of us so we all kind of went back to the hotel and re thought the strategy a bit. I think we came out and beat them 6-5 in the semifinals, so it was great.

On young players making an impact in the NHL at 18 years old: It's pretty wild. When I used to play in Calgary, we would have the benefit of seeing all the NHL teams roll through and we would watch some of their practices and just sitting in the stands and watching guys like (Matt) Duchene and (Ryan) O'Reilly both of them just sporting the Avalanche practice uniforms it was pretty crazy. Obviously they are extremely talented, but the game is getting a lot faster. So I think as long as you're a great skater and you can think the game quick, which those guys all can, I think some guys are ready earlier than others.