Frequently Asked Questions
Are multi-year season tickets available?
Multi-year extensions are available depending on your current term length. Please contact your representative directly for more information!
Can I upgrade my season seat location?
Following the renewal period, Season Ticket Members will have the first opportunity to relocate and/or add-on seats to their season ticket membership in the Spring this year. To participate in this event, members must renew their current seat location and be in good standing. Priority for the event will be based on the members current tenure as a season ticket member.
As a Full Season Ticket Member, are pre-season tickets included in the membership?
Yes, pre-season tickets are included in your Full Season Ticket Membership.
Can I break or get out of my multi-year agreement?
Once signed, your multi-year agreement between you and Black Knight Sports & Entertainment, LLC, will be binding. However, the ticket purchase agreement and your rights and obligations in that agreement, including your seats, may be transferred during an applicable transfer time frame.
At that point, you may assign and transfer your rights to a qualified person who will agree to assume your obligations under the ticket purchase agreement. A "Transfer of Ownership" form will need to be submitted to and approved in order to authorize the transfer of the rights, privileges, obligations and deposit for the remainder of the term. An administrative fee of $250 per seat will apply.
What if I can't attend a game?
Season Ticket Members who are unable to attend a game have access to transfer tickets using AXS or resell tickets using the authorized AXS resale platform. Tickets resold through AXS will be accessible for purchase through the VGK Ticket Exchange.
When will I receive my auto-enrollment information for next season?
Season Ticket Members will receive auto-enrollment information in December of the current membership year!
When can I transfer ownership of my membership?
For more details on the transfer of ownership process, please contact your Account Executive or our membership services team at [email protected].
Will I have a dedicated Account Executive to assist with my account and seats?
Yes. Every Full and Partial Season Ticket Member will have a personal Account Executive who will answer questions pertinent to their account and provide the highest level of service.
How do playoff tickets work?
Season Ticket Members are required to purchase their same seats for the Stanley Cup Playoffs and are automatically enrolled in the Knights Vow pricing which guarantees the lowest per game pricing. Renewed Members in good standing will also enjoy our “Cheer Now, Pay Later” benefit which allows you to pay following the conclusion of each playoff round.
How do I claim my Full Season parking passes?
Full Season parking passes are auto renewed each season and available to claim in Park Mobile. Step-by-step instructions to claim your parking passes will be sent prior to the start of the season.