Know someone who has never been to a Lightning game? Help us introduce new fans to Lightning hockey by bringing the thunder! Nominate someone you know to receive two (2) free tickets and a VIP experience for a home game this season.

Testimonials From Bring The Thunder Winners

Alex O.

I went to the game with my 10-year-old son, Ashton and it was nothing short of amazing. I was very touched by the entire thing, especially watching my little guy have the happiest of nights. The staff throughout was great. Everyone was polite, and happy... helpful and even delighted to help from the very first moment, to the very last. It started with your phone call, and didn't stop anywhere down the line, all the way to the equipment manager who gifted my son with a game puck during a time-out! 

It was a delight watching my son's eyes light up when he got to "high five" the players as they came out to the ice to begin the game! It was like a dream come true for a little boy as I watched him take it all in, in awe, extremely grateful and flooded with emotions. It was an emotional night for both of us… one that he or I will never forget.

Jennifer S.

It was amazing. I've never seen my husband so happy. We actually went back two weeks later and brought our kids to a game. I'm glad to now say my 8-year-old is taking hockey lessons. Thank you again for everything!

Skyler C.

We absolutely had a blast, my daughter had a blast and it was a memory she will have the rest of her life. She will be a Lightning fan for life because of the experience y'all gave her. She is already asking me to go to another game so it has made a huge impact on her. I would recommend this experience to anyone who would ask me it was so worth it. Go Bolts.

Michael T.

The Lightning are an amazing organization. Their support for benefit programs and the local community are a tribute to your organization's mission. We were excited to be at the game and love supporting a winning organization both on the ice and off.

Elliot A.

I was told they were good seats, but it blew my mind when I actually sat down in them. My friend I took has been to a couple Lightning games in the past, much higher up, and he couldn't believe the difference in the experience down by the glass and practically sitting with the players themselves. I'd never been to a hockey game before, but all the people I know who have, told me it was the best sport to watch in person. Now I understand what they were talking about, especially being so close to the action! It was something I don't expect to forget.

Jake A.

I can tell you Jake won't forget his first experience at a Lightning game. He high fived the players as they came out of the tunnel and even got a puck thrown to him from a Lightning player. The shirts and award with thunder bug was very fun for him. He will definitely be coming back to see them again.

Hudson S.

Hudson had a BLAST at his First game. The seats were fantastic, it was thrilling to be so close to the action and players. To top it off, the game went into overtime with a shootout win making the experience even more memorable. My son has already worn his new lightning shirt three times, it's now his favorite!

Bobbi S.

As invited guests of the Lightning, we really enjoyed the game and the salute to our soldiers on November 16th. Bobbi is on her way to becoming a hardcore Bolts fan, and wears her lightning shirt with pride. The bring the Thunder program was nice and easy to navigate. The thing that hooked Bobbi is everything the Lightning does for the local community. From the salute to our military and the community hero's recognition, to going off ice collecting food for the needy and letting kids meet their heroes.

Todd W.

Thanks so much for the awesome tickets! My husband and I had so much fun! We had dinner at the buses downstairs, which was decent food. The seats were so great and gave us a whole other perspective on what the players do during the game. We had a wonderful time and will definitely be going to more games in the future.