North American Skater
HEIGHT: 6' 1"
Weight: 195
Born: 06/16/1992
Mid Term Rank: 13
Nationality: American
Club: Medicine Hat
League: WHL
NHL Director of Central Scouting, E.J. McGuire
“A 37-goal scorer with a good Medicine Hat team. He handles the puck so well at full speed. His crouch style belies his 6-foot stature. He looks smaller out there on the ice, but he's not small in productiveness. How about this -- he moved from Long Beach to Minnesota's Shattuck-St. Mary's to Medicine Hat, Alberta, all in the space of three developmental junior years.”

Medicine Hat Tigers head coach Willie Desjardins
“Emerson is a great skater who opens up the ice real well. He is a real professional already. Everyday he prepares like a pro. His biggest strength is he wants to improve as a player. When you tell him something he is prepared to do it.”