1905 (January) - Ottawa Silver Seven


Now a member of the FAHL, Ottawa took on Dawson City in a midseason challenge for the Stanley Cup. The Nuggets, backed by Yukon prospector Colonel Joe Boyle, departed from Dawson City on December 19 to meet the famed Silver Seven nearly a month later. The 4,000-mile excursion included travel by dogsled, boat and train and set the club back by over $3,000.

Wearied from the long trek, the challengers were overwhelmed. In the second game, Ottawa set Stanley Cup scoring records of every variety, including an unparalleled 14-goals from Frank McGee.

1904-05 - Ottawa Silver Seven - Dave Finnie, Harvey Pulford (captain), Arthur Moore, Harry Westwick, Frank McGee, Alf Smith (playing coach), Billy Gilmour, Frank White, Horace Gaul, Hamby Shore, Bones Allen.


Jan. 13 Dawson City 2 at Silver Seven 9
Jan. 16 Dawson City 2 at Silver Seven 23