Seguin makes Eastern Final his coming out party

Wednesday, 05.18.2011 / 12:04 AM
Q: Just wondered when you were watching those games in the first and second round if you said:  If I can just get in there, I've got a four-point second period in me?

A: I don't know if I told myself that.  But definitely tough watching from above.  I tried to take everything in and learned as much as I can.  But it's hard sitting there and not being able to help with the boys, but I wanted to take advantage of any opportunity I got.

Q: Tyler, a year and a half ago you were snubbed from the Canadian junior team, said you used that as motivation to go on to be the OHL player of the year.  Does this kind of have a similar effect, being snubbed, taken out of the first 11 games of the Playoff and then and six points in two games?

A: A little bit.  Whenever I face adversity, I always try to take a negative and turn it into a positive.  And watching the first two rounds, I could still learn a lot and see the game from up top.

So whenever I get that opportunity again, whether it's going from World Juniors and going back to OHL or being in the press box and coming back to the team, I want to take advantage of every opportunity.

Q: I think a lot of people are going to look at that game tonight and say why didn't we see that in October or January or February.  What's your answer to that?

A: I think it's just a learning curve.  It's been a whole learning curve all year, and as the year went on, I felt more confident, more poised, and in big games I always want to step up.  Tonight I had some lucky bounces, but I was trying to take advantage of all opportunities, and they were going in tonight.

Q: Your first goal tonight looked a lot like the goal the other night.  Were you seeing the same things, the same opportunities?  What was ahead of you there?

A: I kind of saw the same thing.  Really, with my time off over the last couple of weeks, I've been working on driving the net hard and picking up speed in the neutral zone.  And that goal today, I just kind of cut to the neutral zone and they were two deep and I tried to beat them with my speed.  I wanted to mix up the move and not do the same thing that I did the last game, and it worked out.

Q: Did you feel the energy from the crowd as they were calling your name?

A: Yeah, I did feel that.  And obviously it's a great compliment whenever you have great fan support.  So I definitely appreciate that.

Q: Your play spoke for itself tonight.  I'm just wondering, because sometimes the fans, the media, are not always aware about conversations that are had on the bench, in the locker room between periods or in down-times.  Can you share maybe a story where somebody on the bench, a coach, a teammate said something, either tonight or another night, that really made you feel good about yourself and helped you keep believing in yourself?

A: There were a few times where guys who do have experience like Recchi and I remember a specific time where Shawn Thornton came up to me in the second round and he said:  Look, kid if we're going to the Cup, you're going to get opportunity to play just because injuries are part of the game and have fun with it and enjoy the ride and take it all in and use it as a learning experience.

So I looked at it up top as an opportunity as well.  It was tough watching but I tried to take it as an opportunity and I got the chance to come in, I just wanted to seize it.

Q: Wondering if that kind of game proved to you and the Bruins that you belong on this stage and you're here to stay.

A: Again, I'm not thinking too much into that.  I know the injury came, and it's tough losing one of your best players, Bergie, but I wanted to take advantage of my ice time, whatever it may be and stay consistent with that.

Tonight I thought I had another sharp game.  If the opportunity comes again the next game, I'll try to do the same.

Q: Could you talk about the second Ryder goal that made it 6-3.  You had a blind drop pass, you were facing the wall there.  Could you see where the puck was going?

A: Yeah.  I don't know if I saw it blind, but when I went to the corner, I took a quick look and saw Kelly was there and I knew a guy was pressuring on me.  Kind of see Krejci do it all the time.  Actually tried to put it through the guy's legs.  I don't know exactly where it went but I tried to hit in front and Kelly just got the puck on that and Ryder went to the net, which is something he's doing really well right now.

Q: Was there a point this year where you thought the coaching staff would use you more, put you in different situations, give you more ice time, and that you felt, not that you were getting the raw end of the deal here, but that your time was here and they weren't giving it to you?

A: I think everyone has opinions, even my friends and family, they have different opinions.  But really with me, I try to stay just focused on my game.

I think if I'm in my head blaming people, I'm not going to be playing well.  I try to stay positive, and the last 20 games of the season, and kind of these last two games I've been trying to do that with whatever ice time I get or any opportunities, I just want to be ready and be prepared for that.

Q: What was the feeling going into the second period?  It must have been kind of frustrating, dominated most of the first period and you give up a goal 13 seconds in and seven seconds left.  Didn't seem you deserved a 2-1 deficit there.  What was the general feeling of the team starting the second period?

A: Definitely glad it wasn't 3-1 like Game 1.  But we wanted to come out with a stronger start.  We definitely did that.  A couple of bad bounces, and really going into the second period, everyone said stay focused and we were playing well, and if we got some lucky bounces, they were going to come our way and popped a couple there right away and it was clicking tonight.

Q: Obviously new centerman out there tonight in Chris Kelly.  Was there anything about that switch that kind of helped you and Ryder click tonight or did you just feel generally more comfortable?

A: I think both Peverley and Kelly are all-around great players, great centermen.  Tonight Kelly came in, and it's just something different.  The last game we had those two goals against our line in the first, the second shift.  So Kelly was playing really good defensively tonight and I know that led to offensive opportunities, and we just took advantage of them tonight.

Q: Talk a little bit about the synergy you seemed to have the last two games with Michael Ryder, the synergy, you guys clicking.

A: I always thought we were clicking throughout the season.  He gave me my first NHL goal in the season and first goal playoff goal, so I give a lot of credit to that guy.  I think I tried to use my speed and I've always been a decent play-maker and he's got a tremendous shot.  So really when I'm in the zone I'm just looking for that guy, and I know he's not going to make a mistake.
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