North American Skater
HEIGHT: 6' 2"
Weight: 216
Born: 11/02/1989
Mid Term Rank: 7
Nationality: Canadian
Club: Kelowna
League: WHL

On his style of play:   I think my style as a hockey player is I just keep things simple out there and try to play a sound defensive game and be physical when I get the opportunity to.  And just move the puck to the forwards and play a steady game out there.


On patterning his game after Dion Phaneuf and Chris Pronger:  I don't know if there is a certain style out there that I want to play.  I guess everyone's different, but there are some guys I like -- Dion Phaneuf and Chris Pronger.  They both play really physical games and they're tough guys to play against and make it tough on the forwards out there.


On playing for Team Canada:  It’s unbelievable.  I've been very fortunate to have the opportunity to play for Team Canada and represent my country.  It's a great feeling.  To get into the Super Series against the Russians was really cool.  To get to know some of the guys and get that experience. Then leading up to the World Juniors and making that team, it's pretty cool.  You get to meet so many good people over there and you get to play for your country.  But to win a gold medal, there is no greater feeling like it that I've experienced anyways.  It's a great feeling and I'm very proud that I've had the experience and to be part of it. 


On winning the gold medal at the World Juniors in overtime:  Yeah, we had a tough third period there.  We kind of gave up the lead.  Then in the intermission we regrouped and I was actually on the ice when we scored.  So I was one of the first guys in the celebration.  I couldn't believe it actually went in.  Next thing you know I looked back at the bench and everyone's throwing off their gloves and coming towards you.  It was unbelievable to be part of it and be on the ice for it.


On getting his start in hockey:  I think it's just like any kid growing up in Canada.  I started out when I was really young, playing in the basement.  Then next thing you know, I guess you're out in the backyard rink that my dad built me.  And it just leads to another thing.  All your friends play, and you watch it on TV.  And you watch other people playing and you start growing up playing hockey.  You play with your friends and you just keep going.  It just keeps getting more exciting and more fun as you play.


On playing on his backyard rink:  There’s no better feeling than playing at home.  You get to go home at Christmas time and you still do the same thing.  It's just fun.  Growing up in Canada, every guy does it.  Getting the chance to play with my brother in the backyard rink, he's two years younger than me, so we always got to play with each other skating in the backyard.  That was probably the most fun thing for me.


On playing against his younger brother Brayden (Brandon Wheat Kings):  We play  different positions, he's a forward and more of a goal scorer.  So he's leading the way for points and stuff.  But, it's cool.  We're really close.  I always keep in touch with him and like to know what's going on with him and Brandon. He always gives me calls to see what's going on in Kelowna.  So we're really tight.  We like to keep in touch.  We don't get to play each other a ton, but it's cool when we get to play each other.


On the influences in his career:  I got the chance to get called up when I was 15 to the Kelowna Rockets.  I got to move in with Shea Weber for a bit.  So he's helped me out quite a bit.  I guess the main people are my parents, just like most guys would probably say.  They bring you to the rink when you're young, and they support you all along the way.  It's the same thing for me growing up.


On superstitions: I'm not really a superstitious guy.  I'm just more laid back before a game.  I don't have a ton of superstitions, so I don't think of too much things to do before a game, besides get ready and ready to play.


On his thoughts about the NHL Draft:  It’s been an exciting year so far.  It's been awesome.  There's been a lot of people watching.  The main thing is you've got to keep on improving and getting better.  As far as rankings go, it doesn't really bother me a ton right now.  It's whoever you get picked by, you're happy with that.  And then the real work starts after the draft.  You want to get to the NHL, obviously.  This all leading up to it is nice, but the main goal is to make the NHL.  So just hopefully, get drafted, then the real work starts.


On realizing that the NHL was a possibility:  You grow up playing hockey, and you keep on getting more opportunities as you go.  You get drafted into the OHL.  I've been fortunate enough to play with the Kelowna Rockets and had great opportunities there.  It's been great so far there. 

After my 16-year-old year, I got used to the league.  And I realized who the top end players are, and I realized maybe I'm not so far away.  And you strive to get better towards where they are.  You take in what they do to get better as a player, and you just kind of learn from them, and, hopefully, work hard and one day get there yourself.


On the possibility of playing in the NHL one day:  Just watching them grow up and seeing how they've developed and being stars in the NHL, that would be pretty cool.  But as far as that, I'm just trying to get there myself.  I'm not really worried too much about that.  I just keep on getting better and, hopefully, one day the opportunity comes.


On the one movie he would choose to be in:  If I could be in one movie I would be in the "Wedding Crashers."


On the three people he wants to have dinner with:  If I could have dinner with any three people, it would be Don Cherry, Wayne Gretzky and Bobby Orr. 


On his favorite food to cook:  My favorite food to cook is steak. 


On his most embarrassing song on his iPod:  My most embarrassing song on my iPod is "Spice Up Your Life" by Spice Girls.