North American Goalie
HEIGHT: 6' 2"
Weight: 215
Born: 11/29/1989
Mid Term Rank: 1
Nationality: Canadian
Club: Tri-City
League: WHL

On his style of play:   I'm kind of a calm guy.  I like to make myself look big when I'm out on the ice.  I'd like to say I'm technically sound, but I work pretty hard out there.  I guess that's how it is -- I'm a battling goalie but at the same time, over the past couple of years, learning from Carey (Price) that I've become a lot more technically sound.


On his relationship with Montreal’s Carey Price:   It's pretty special.  He was like a big brother to me.  I learned quite a bit from him on and off the ice on how to play the game, like mentally and how it's between your ears.  I learned a lot from his dad, too. So it's pretty cool seeing Carey up in the big leagues now.  I talk to him every once in awhile -- it's special when you see a guy make that jump at such a young age and the types of things he's going through and how he's just adjusted so well.  He's helped me out a lot, not only on my technique, but just the mental side in being calm and not showing too much emotion and stuff.


On routines and superstitions:   I used to be really superstitious -- if I said something weird in my head during the game, I would knock on my stick because everyone says you have to knock?on?wood or something like that. That's another thing I learned from Carey (Price) -- just go out there and play your game and you don't think about it too much.  Nowadays I don't really have many superstitions when it comes to being on the ice or getting ready or stuff.  I just go through my normal routine and get stretched out and stuff.


On adjusting to new rules as a goaltender:  The changes have been pretty crazy over the past couple years.  I've adjusted a few things pretty well with the smaller equipment.  I feel I can slide quicker on my pads and stuff. With the shootout, it's always exciting -- you never know what's going to happen.  You just go out there and some of those moves players have these days are pretty unique and pretty special. It's a fun addition for the game and it makes it exciting for the fans and exciting for the goalie, too -- sometimes.


On getting his start in hockey:   I was born in New Brunswick and lived there until I was nine years-old.  I first started playing goalie there.  I remember playing on a team where goalies  would switch every game.  I just had a great time playing it.  And the next time the other goalie was crying because he didn't want to play, so I thought I would throw the pads on again.  That's basically where it all started.


On his childhood goaltending idol:   When I was nine years-old I played in a summer hockey tournament in Acadie-Bathurst and that's where Roberto Luongo was playing at the time.  He skated across the ice one time during one of our games and tapped me on the head -- that's a special moment looking back on it.


On his most memorable hockey gift:   Various signed things from Bobby Orr and stuff like that.  There’s never been anything too crazy.  I remember when I was seven or eight playing in Moncton, we were one of the teams that went on the ice during the intermission of a Wildcats (QMJHL) game and I got one of the goalie sticks on the team and that was pretty special. 


On his most memorable hockey moment:   There are a couple -- that one with Luongo when he skated across the ice.  I didn't know he was as big of a deal as he was – 6’ 4”, huge, skating across the ice.  It was pretty cool seeing him. Also, when I was 14, in my WHL draft year, we went to this tournament and our team really wasn't that good.  We ended up winning the tournament and it was pretty special.  That's where I first got noticed by the team I'm playing on now.


On his favorite food to cook:   My favorite food to cook would probably be grilled cheese.


On the one movie he would want to be in:   If I was to be in one movie, I would probably be in Sahara with Matthew McConaughey because he's one of my idols.


On his most embarrassing song on his iPod:   My most embarrassing song in my iPod would be a song by Mica.  I think it's called Lollipop.