Monday highlights, previews and Emrick on NHL Live

Monday, 10.14.2013 / 2:28 PM | Steve Mears  - NHL Live host

An afternoon treat on Columbus Day, as the Boston Bruins and Detroit Red Wings face off in an Atlantic Division game. NHL Live, at 5 p.m. ET on NHL Network, will have full highlights and get you ready for the other two games tonight between the Edmonton Oilers and Washington Capitals and the Minnesota Wild and Buffalo Sabres.

Also, the great Doc Emrick will be joining us for a preview of the Sabres and Wild on NBCSN. Back in my days as a student at Bowling Green State University, I once stumbled upon his lengthy doctoral dissertation at Jerome Library profiling all of the broadcasters in Major League Baseball in 1973. The nearly two-inch thick hard-bound book was covered in dust, but had the feel of finding a buried treasure. With that fine work as a doctoral student of BGSU, the "Doc" nickname was officially born. On Monday, the Wild begin a four-game road trip against the winless Sabres.

Remember to submit your #AskEJ questions through Twitter via @NHLNetwork or @EJHradek_NHL, and join the conversation on Twitter as we ask you to pick the game of the night.

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