In Buffalo, blue and gold make green

Tuesday, 02.05.2013 / 3:23 PM

By NHL Green -  / NHL Green Slapshots™

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NHL Green Slapshots™
In Buffalo, blue and gold make green

The Buffalo Sabres, through the Blue & Gold Make Green Initiative, are dedicated to protecting and preserving the environment of Western New York and Southern Ontario.

The organization is committed to developing initiatives and educational opportunities in the community, throughout the season, to help reduce the Sabres environmental footprint. The Blue & Gold Make Green Initiative encourages members of the Sabres front office, as well as players and fans, to actively participate in making the community a cleaner, safer and healthier place.

In 2006, a volunteer organization called Re-Tree WNY was established to re-forest every public area destroyed by the devastating October storm. Still in pursuit of this goal in 2012, the Sabres joined the campaign to raise funds for the purchase of trees to be planted along the city’s streets and parks.

The Sabres, in partnership with Re-Tree Western New York, have helped raise over $500,000 to reforest Buffalo and surrounding communities. These trees help to conserve and reduce energy use, reducing local carbon dioxide levels, improving air quality and mitigating storm water runoff. Re-Tree WNY has planted a total of nearly 25,000 of their 30,000 tree goal.

The partnership was a natural fit for the organization, who each season hosts a spring clean-up event along Buffalo’s waterfront, removing trash, litter and heavy debris from Western New York shorelines, waterfront parks and wetlands.

For more news and information on the Blue & Gold Make Green Initiative, visit the Sabres Green Team page and sign-up now to join the team.

Gallons For Goals
Goals Scored
Gallons Restored
  • For each goal scored during the Regular Season, the NHL is restoring 1,000 gallons of water to a critically dewatered river, through Bonneville Environmental Foundation's Water Restoration Certificates.