Roenick says playing decision coming in next two weeks

Wednesday, 06.17.2009 / 11:00 PM / 2011 NHL Awards

By Bob Condor - Editor-in-Chief

LAS VEGAS -- Making the rounds at the Presenters Welcome Reception for the 2009 NHL Awards, San Jose Sharks forward Jeremy Roenick promised a decision about his playing future "in the next couple of weeks."

"I don't have a total decision but I am leaning a certain way," said Roenick, 39, who certainly looks fit enough to play another season, which would be his 19th. "It's very hard and going to be an interesting next two weeks."

Roenick will be a presenter at Thursday's 2009 NHL Awards (Versus, 7:30 p.m. ET and CBC, 8:30 p.m. ET) to present the ScotiaBank Fan Fav Award, a new award that is the first fan-voted award. The winner will be the fans' choice as the best overall regular season performer.

When asked about what factors are prominent in making a decision, Roenick perhaps tipped his hand (to use a very Vegas sort of term): "Health, my kids' ages, what the team (Sharks) need, whether I am OK playing nine to 10 minutes a game."

"My body is still in great shape," added Roenick. "The decision will be based on family and what (Sharks GM) Doug Wilson says."

Roenick also said he is conscious about "not wearing out my welcome as a player in the League." He crumpled one fanciful question from a reporter who asked about whether Roenick and U.S.-born hockey buddy and another former Blackhawk, Chris Chelios, might both return to Chicago for a farewell season.

"I won't put on another shirt," said Roenick. "San Jose has given me a great opportunity (including becoming the third American-born player to score 500 goals; he's now at 513) and I appreciate it."